The Giants Causeway Angle

The Giants Causeway Angle
The Giants Causeway Angle


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One of the most famous locations within the whole of Ireland  The Giants Causeway is a national nature reserve and world heritage site.

Visiting the iconic hexagonal basalt volcanic rock formations is free provided you skip the visitors centre of which a fee is charged by the national trust.

There is a folklore legend of the battle of the Giants. Finn MacCool and Benandonner. The rival giants built the giants causeway spanning out over the North Channel to battle in the middle.

About Image “The Giants Causeway Angle"

  • Photographer
    Steven Black
  • Category
  • Country
    Northern Ireland
  • County


About the Photographer

Steven of S Black Photo

Steven Black

S Black Photo is the brand name, with Steven Black as the photographer behind the lens. Here I share the story of becoming S Black PhotoMy passion for photography started in my teenage years when I first picked up a Pentax MG and boy have things changed since then!Taking photographs is my chance to escape from reality. To be free as the birds you view in my gallery. Spending time in nature is a special feeling, especially when the light is just right. I can have a picture in my head – it’s now time to setup and capture that special moment!I find myself in harmony, living in the moment. Viewing the surrounding landscape with my eyes wide open.I’m thinking of one thing now…Will it look good hanging framed on your wall?As an enthusiastic photographer I love to learn, I am always asking myself is there a way I can do it better?